As a powerful natural energy source, the sun provides abundant energy that is converted into hydrogen, also called solar hydrogen, through different technological routes.

Solar Hydrogen - Pure & Compressed

SOC test benches IAM-ET, KIT
Test benches for high-temperature solid oxide electrolyzer cells at IAM-ET
Wrinkle formation in a hydrogen-loaded palladium layer IAM-WK, KIT
Wrinkle formation in a hydrogen-loaded palladium layer: material properties can change in the presence of H2.
Concept of pyrolysis of methane/biogas to produce H2 and carbon. Carbon can be used materially or acts as a negative CO2 emission when landfilled.
Heliostat mirror follows the sun and reflects light onto parabolic mirror, which concentrates the light with a factor of 1600. ITES, KIT
Heliostat mirror follows the sun and reflects light onto parabolic mirror, which concentrates the light with a factor of 1600.
Karlsruhe Liquid Metal LAboratory (KALLA) - High-Temperature heat transfer via liquid metals ITES, KIT
The thermal energy is transferred to a receiver in the Karlsruhe Liquid Metal LAboratory (KALLA), which supplies the high-temperature heat to the pyrolysis reaction. The heat transfer (T=600 °C) takes place via liquid metals.

Project of the Helmholtz Innovation Pool

Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2024

KIT Contact: Prof. Dr. Thomas Jordan, Dr. Bernhard Schäfer

More information on the research highlight on Helmholtz Energy - Solarer Wasserstoff

The project aims to provide essential scientific knowledge and viable technologies for the conversion of solar energy into hydrogen. The technologies explored in the project will enable the production of solar hydrogen with the highest possible purity and at a pressure well above normal pressure

Hydrogen with these properties can be used in high-value applications (e.g., to power a PEM fuel cell or for chemical and e-fuel production). Technologies that can use solar energy to provide high-purity and compressed hydrogen at very low cost in the future can make a significant contribution to the design of a sustainable energy system in Germany and worldwide.

KIT scientists work on the following topics:

  • Production
    • Electrolysis in solid oxide cells (IAM-ET)
    • Pyrolysis of methane/biogas (ITES)
  • Applications
    • Spectrum of applications and their requirements for purity and pressure; from low temperature fuel cells to synthesis of liquid fuels and LOHCs (IKFT)
    • Purification and compression processes and safety aspects (ITES)
  • Interactions of materials and hydrogen (IAM-WK)

The KIT contributions are divided into three subprojects dealing with

  • electrolysis in solid oxide cells,
  • pyrolysis of methane - or biogas - and
  • purification processes.

Pressure and safety aspects are treated cross-sectionally.

The IAM-ET (Cedric Großelindemann, Dr.-Ing. André Weber, Prof. Ulrike Krewer) characterizes and models reversible solid oxide cells. The focus is on the pressure dependence of the electrochemical processes in the cell. The research results allow to design high-temperature electrolyzers more efficiently for pressurized operation and to increase their lifetime. In close cooperation with the FZJ, investigations are carried out on oxygen ion as well as proton conducting cells.

Concentrated solar heat can be used efficiently to heat the liquid metal reactor developed at ITES (Dr. Leonid Stoppel, Prof. Thomas Wetzel). In the reactor, methane is pyrolytically decomposed into hydrogen and easily separable carbon.  In this project, the influence of pressurized operation on efficiency and product purity will be investigated. An existing cooperation with HZDR for modeling this multiphase system is to be expanded here, combined with own contributions from ITES (Prof. Thomas Jordan), also for safety assessment.

State-of-the-art material aspects and innovative catalysis concepts for the purification and application of hydrogen are investigated at the IAM-WK (Dr. Korneychuk, Prof. Astrid Pundt) in collaboration with HZB and FZJ.

All production paths investigated in the project produce solar hydrogen with different qualities in terms of pressure and purity. Under the leadership of the IKFT (Dr. Stephan Pitter, Prof. Jörg Sauer), the KIT is analyzing the purity criteria required for each of the different potential applications of hydrogen - from energy conversion in a fuel cell to industrial use, e.g. for the production of synthetic fuels or LOHCs.


Innopool Solar Hydrogen
4 KIT Contributions at Innopool Solar Hydrogen Meeting @FZJ

4 Young Reseacher of 4 KIT institutes present their results, in cooperation with industries & Helmholtz partners in the framework of the Solar H2 project on 12 April. Congratulations!

Innopool Solar H2 website @KIT
HGF Innovation Pool Project "Solar Hydrogen - Highly Pure and Compressed" Erlangen, April 27, 2023 - The Helmholtz Innovation Pool project "Highly pure and compressed solar hydrogen" aims to provide essential scientific knowledge and viable technologies fHarting HI ERN
Status Workshop "Solar Hydrogen" at HI ERN Erlangen

The Helmholtz Innovation Pool project aims to provide essential scientific knowledge and viable technologies for the conversion of solar energy into hydrogen with the highest possible value for a sustainable energy system.

Read more @HI ERN
Helmholtz Innovation Pool Solar Hydrogen Pure and CompressedKIT
KIT status meeting at IAM-ET on March 10, 2023.

focused on high temperture Solid Oxide Electrolysis under high pressure. A test bench extension for pressurized testing was presented and results discussed.

Review on Solar Hydrogen in Angewandte Chemie!
Review on Solar Hydrogen in Angewandte Chemie!

...highlights the technologies involved in the pathways for producing compressed and high-purity hydrogen from solar energy & states the status about the status quo of technologically achievable H2 purity & pressure levels.

Read Open Access
KIT Status-Workshop @IKFT on October 25, 2022  focused on "Hydrogenation processes for PtL processes" at IKFT. A highlight was the new parallel experimental setup to study the deactivation of catalysts in reactions with H2 of differeWarmuth, KIT
KIT Status-Workshop @IKFT on October 25, 2022

focused on "Hydrogenation processes for PtL processes" at IKFT. A highlight was the new parallel experimental setup to study the deactivation of catalysts in reactions with H2 of different qualities.

KIT status workshop with focus on "Solar Hydrogen Production via Solar Pyrolysis"KIT
KIT-Status-Workshop @ITES

On May 6, 2022, the KIT status workshop with focus on "Solar Hydrogen Production via Solar Pyrolysis" and "CFD modeling of Pd based membrane for hydrogen purification" took place at ITES.

Helmholtz Innovation Pool Solar Hydrogen Pure and Compressed
Innovation Pool Solar Hydrogen - KIT Meeting

On October 8, 2021: Presentation and discussion of initial results since the start of the project and the methods and experiments used in an online meeting.

Helmholtz Innovation Pool Solar Hydrogen Pure and Compressed
Helmholtz online workshop Innopool Solar Hydrogen

Status meeting of scientist of the participating centers DLR, FZJ, HZB, KIT and IPP took place on November 22, 2021

Solar Hyrdogen KIT Kickoff
KIT KickOff Meeting Solar H2, February 4th, 2021

KIT scientists jointly coordinate the contributions in the research project to successfully investigate solar-based production routes of H2 with respect to pressure & purity for various applications.

Project KickOff: Solar H2 - Pure and Compressed
Helmholtz KickOff Meeting: March, 5 2021, 3-5 pm

KIT scientists & Helmholtz colleagues are jointly investigating solar-based production pathways of H2 regarding required pressure & purity of various applications.


Journal Articles
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
Pressurized single cell testing of solid oxide cells
2024. Journal of Power Sources, 614, Art.-Nr.: 234963. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.234963Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Warmuth, L.; Steurer, M.; Schild, D.; Zimina, A.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Pitter, S.
Reversible and Irreversible Structural Changes in Cu/ZnO/ZrO₂ Catalysts during Methanol Synthesis
2024. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c17383
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
Testing of Pressurized Solid Oxide Cells
2024. 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF 2024), Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2–5, 2024 
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
Testing of Pressurized Solid Oxide Cells
2024, July. 16th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF 2024), Lucerne, Switzerland, July 2–5, 2024 
Research Data
Grosselindemann, C.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Seim, M.; Ewald, D. T.; Esau, D.; Geörg, M.; Rössler, R.; Pundt, A.; Weber, A.
Pressurized Single Cell Testing of Solid Oxide Cells
2024, June 28. doi:10.35097/1971
Journal Articles
Ivanova, M.; Peters, R.; Müller, M.; Haas, S.; Seidler, M. F.; Mutschke, G.; Eckert, K.; Röse, P.; Calnan, S.; Bagacki, R.; Schlatmann, R.; Grosselindemann, C.; Schäfer, L.-A.; Menzler, N. H.; Weber, A.; van de Krol, R.; Liang, F.; Abdi, F. F.; Brendelberger, S.; Neumann, N.; Grobbel, J.; Roeb, M.; Sattler, C.; Duran, I.; Dietrich, B.; Hofberger, C.; Stoppel, L.; Uhlenbruck, N.; Wetzel, T.; Rauner, D.; Hecimovic, A.; Fantz, U.; Kulyk, N.; Harting, J.; Guillon, O.
Technological Pathways to Produce Compressed and Highly Pure Hydrogen from Solar Power
2023. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62 (32). doi:10.1002/anie.202218850Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Korneychuk, S.; Grosselindemann, C.; Weber, A.; Menzler, N.; Pundt, A.
In-situ TEM reduction of a solid oxide cell with NiO/YSZ fuel electrode
2023. FEMS Euromat (2023), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 3–7, 2023 
Korneychuk, S.; Grosselindemann, C.; Weber, A.; Menzler, N.; Pundt, A.
In-situ TEM reduction of a solid oxide cell with NiO/YSZ fuel electrode
2023. IMC20 -20th International Microscopy Congress (2023), Busan, South Korea, September 10–15, 2023 
Grosselindemann, C.; Esau, D.; Dorn, M.; Bauer, F. M.; Wissmeier, L.; Weber, A.
From Ideal to Stack-like Contacting of an SOC
2023. 18th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC 2023), Boston, MA, USA, May 28–June 2, 2023 
Warmuth, L.
Green methanol from renewable feeds : Towards scalable catalyst synthesis and improved stability
2023, March 15. 56. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker (2023), Weimar, Germany, March 15–17, 2023 
Grosselindemann, C.; Lubik, F.; Dorn, M.; Weber, A.
0-dimensional Performance Modeling of Solid Oxide Cells under pressurized Conditions
2023, March. 19th Symposium on Fuel Cell and Battery Modeling and Experimental Validation (ModVal 2023), Duisburg, Germany, March 21–23, 2023 
Warmuth, L.; Pitter, S.
Influence of impurities in H2 from different sources on the deactivation of methanol synthesis catalyst
2022, June 30. Curiosity - A French German Young Chemists Conference (2022), Mulhouse, France, June 30–July 1, 2022 
Grosselindemann, C.; Kullmann, F.; Lehnert, T.; Pöpke, H.; Weber, A.
Comparison of an SOC with Ni/CGO Fuel Electrode during Operation with H2/H2O and CO/CO2
2022, July. 15th European SOFC and SOE Forum (EFCF 2022), Lucerne, Switzerland, July 5–8, 2022 
Grosselindemann, C.; Kullmann, F.; Esau, D.; Weber, A.
Experimental Characterization of metallic Interconnectors with potential Probes
2022, July. 15th European SOFC and SOE Forum (EFCF 2022), Lucerne, Switzerland, July 5–8, 2022 
Warmuth, L.; Polierer, S.; Zevaco, T. A.; Pitter, S.
Influence of impurities in H2 from different sources on the deactivation of methanol synthesis catalysts
2022, June 27. 55. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker (2022), Weimar, Germany, June 27–29, 2022 
Journal Articles
Grosselindemann, C.; Russner, N.; Dierickx, S.; Wankmüller, F.; Weber, A.
Deconvolution of Gas Diffusion Polarization in Ni/Gadolinium-Doped Ceria Fuel Electrodes
2021. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 168 (12), Art.-Nr.: 124506. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ac3d02Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document