Fundamentals and Materials
Processes inside a battery are very complex. Their investigation requires a comprehensive research approach which addresses fundamental aspects like electrochemistry, modelling, synthesis and materials characterization as well as electrochemical processes in the materials and at the interfaces in a cell alike. This knowledge is the basis for a target-oriented material development.
- Design and synthesis of new electrochemically active electrode materials and electrolytes to achieve improved battery performance, safety and lifetime.
- Comprehension of the basic electrochemical processes at the interfaces between the various cell elements based on the continuous development of tools for modelling and simulation in 3D at all relevant time- and length-scales.
- Development and application of spatially resolved operando and in situ methods as well as post-mortem materials characterization techniques to identify and investigate the relevant transport mechanisms and processes in detail.
- Modelling based on experimental operando results with a high spatial resolution, validating and further improving the modelling basis by providing high-accuracy physical, chemical and dynamic information on the properties of materials, electrodes, cells and local processes.
- A Materials Acceleration Platform will be established where an autonomous robotics together with artificial intelligence will speed up the discovery of new materials by an order.
Journal Articles
Jusys, Z.; Behm, R. J.
Borohydride oxidation over Pt/C, Au/C and AuPt/C thin-film electrodes studied by rotating disk electrode and differential electrochemical mass spectrometry flow cell measurements
2025. Electrochimica Acta, 513, Art.-Nr.: 145608. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2024.145608 -
Wang, Z.; Hofmann, A.
NaDFOB and FEC as Electrolyte Additives Enabling Improved Cyclability of Sodium Metal Batteries and Sodium Ion Batteries
2025. ChemElectroChem. doi:10.1002/celc.202400597 -
Wildersinn, L.; Stottmeister, D.; Jeschull, F.; Groß, A.; Hofmann, A.
Decomposition of Binary Mixtures of DMC/EC, EMC/EC, and DEC/EC on Potassium Surfaces; GC, XPS, and Calculation
2025. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 17 (6), 10055–10072. doi:10.1021/acsami.4c17461 -
Esser, B.; Ehrenberg, H.; Fichtner, M.; Groß, A.; Janek, J.
Post‐Lithium Storage—Shaping the Future
2025. Advanced Energy Materials, Art.-Nr. 2402824. doi:10.1002/aenm.202402824 -
Li, M.; Liu, X.; Wu, J.; Dong, X.; Wang, Y.; Passerini, S.
Efficient and Effective Synthesis of CaV O · 2.7H O as High‐Performance Cathode Material for Aqueous Zinc Metal Batteries
2025. Advanced Energy Materials, 15 (6), Art.-Nr.: 2404037. doi:10.1002/aenm.202404037 -
Barbosa, E. C. M.; Du, J.; Pal, A. S.; Kondrakov, A.; Brezesinski, T.
Optimizing Disordered Rock Salt Cathodes by Solid‐State Synthesis and Design of Experiments for Enhanced Battery Performance
2025. Advanced Sustainable Systems, Art.-Nr.: 2400931. doi:10.1002/adsu.202400931 -
Elkhafif, O. W.; Hassan, H. K.; Hashmi, M.; Arya, N.; Anjass, M.; Jacob, T.
Boosting Mg deposition and dissolution from ionic liquids – The role of different additives for applications in Mg-ion batteries
2025. Journal of Energy Storage, 105, Art.-Nr.: 114636. doi:10.1016/j.est.2024.114636 -
Zelič, K.; Esmaeilpour, M.; Jana, S.; Mele, I.; Wenzel, W.; Katrašnik, T.
Physicochemically-informed continuum level model of a solid electrolyte interphase growth in Li-ion batteries
2025. Journal of Power Sources, 627, 235814. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235814 -
He, Y.; Xiong, D.; Luo, Y.; Zhang, W.; Liu, S.; Ye, Y.; Wang, M.; Chen, Y.; Liu, H.; Wang, J.; Lin, H.; Su, J.; Wang, X.; Shu, H.; Chen, M.
Phase Reconstruction‐Assisted Electron‐Li⁺ Reservoirs Enable High‐Performance Li‐S Battery Operation Across Wide Temperature Range
2025. Advanced Functional Materials, 35 (1), Art.-Nr.: 2410899. doi:10.1002/adfm.202410899 -
Fang, X.; Lu, W.; Zhang, J.; Minnert, C.; Hou, J.; Bruns, S.; Kunz, U.; Nakamura, A.; Durst, K.; Rödel, J.
Harvesting room-temperature plasticity in ceramics by mechanically seeded dislocations
2025. Materials Today, 82, 81–91. doi:10.1016/j.mattod.2024.11.014 -
Liu, L.; Ma, Q.; Zhou, X.; Ding, Z.; Grüner, D.; Kübel, C.; Tietz, F.
Simultaneously improving sodium ionic conductivity and dendrite behavior of NaSICON ceramics by grain-boundary modification
2025. Journal of Power Sources, 626, 235773. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235773 -
Wang, X.; Chen, Z.; Xue, X.; Wang, J.; Wang, Y.; Bresser, D.; Liu, X.; Chen, M.; Passerini, S.
Achieving stable lithium metal anode via constructing lithiophilicity gradient and regulating Li N-rich SEI
2025. Nano Energy, 133, 110439. doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.110439 -
Preuß, O.; Bruder, E.; Zhang, J.; Lu, W.; Rödel, J.; Fang, X.
Damage-tolerant oxides by imprint of an ultra-high dislocation density
2025. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 45 (2), Art.-Nr.: 116969. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.116969 -
Barcaro, E.; Marangon, V.; Bresser, D.; Hassoun, J.
Scalable Li‐Ion Battery with Metal/Metal Oxide Sulfur Cathode and Lithiated Silicon Oxide/Carbon Anode
2025. ChemSusChem, 18 (1), Art-Nr.: 202400615. doi:10.1002/cssc.202400615 -
Yang, H.; Wang, J.; Zhang, P.; Cheng, X.; Guan, Q.; Dong, J.; Chen, B.; Jia, L.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Lin, H.
Dielectric-ion-conductive ZnNb O layer enabling rapid desolvation and diffusion for dendrite-free Zn metal batteries
2025. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 100, 693 – 701. doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2024.09.010 -
Panja, S.; Miao, Y.; Döhn, J.; Choi, J.; Fleischmann, S.; Guddehalli Chandrappa, S.; Diemant, T.; Groß, A.; Karkera, G.; Fichtner, M.
Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and Degradation Behavior of Potassium Tin Chloride as Chloride‐Ion Batteries Conversion Electrode Material
2025. Advanced Functional Materials, 35 (3), Art.-Nr.: 2413489. doi:10.1002/adfm.202413489 -
Liu, X.; Guo, L.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, J.; Lin, H.; Li, G.; Ou, X.; Wang, D.; Zheng, W.
In Situ Formation of Gel Electrolyte with Enhanced Diffusion Kinetics and Stability for Achieving Fast‐Charging Li‐Ion Batteries
2025. Advanced Functional Materials, 35 (3), Art.-Nr.: 2408525. doi:10.1002/adfm.202408525
Journal Articles
Quan, Y.; Ji, D.; Yuan, Y.; Xu, H.; Qi, R.; De Sousa Coutinho, S.; Riedel, S.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Song, L.; Robertson, A. W.; Bruce, P. G.; House, R. A.
Mg-rich disordered rocksalt oxide cathodes for Mg-ion batteries
2024. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (40), 27303–27310. doi:10.1039/D4TA02348J -
Fang, S.; Wang, H.; Zhao, S.; Yu, M.; Liu, X.; Li, Y.; Wu, F.; Zuo, W.; Zhou, N.; Ortiz, G. F.
In Situ Formation of Heterojunction in Composite Lithium Anode Facilitates Fast and Uniform Interfacial Ion Transport
2024. Small, 20 (34), Art.-Nr. 2402108. doi:10.1002/smll.202402108 -
Tan, Z.; Chen, X.; Lin, J.; Huang, Y.; Cheng, W.; Cheng, W.; Liu, Q.; Zhang, H.; Ren, F.; Huang, Y.; Liu, Z.; Brezesinski, T.; Yang, Y.; Zhao, W.
Restraining Planar Gliding in Single‐Crystalline LiNi Co Mn O Cathodes by Combining Bulk and Surface Modification Strategies
2024. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, Art.-Nr.: 202419903. doi:10.1002/anie.202419903 -
Pfeiffer, L. F.; Dillenz, M.; Burgard, N.; Beran, P.; Roscher, D.; Zarrabeitia, M.; Drews, P.; Hervoches, C.; Mikhailova, D.; Omar, A.; Baran, V.; Paul, N.; Sotoudeh, M.; Busch, M.; Wohlfahrt-Mehrens, M.; Groß, A.; Passerini, S.; Axmann, P.
From structure to electrochemistry: the influence of transition metal ordering on Na /vacancy orderings in P2-type Na MO cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries
2024. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 13 (1), 540–560. doi:10.1039/D4TA04786A -
Strauss, F.; Wang, S.; Nan, C.-W.; Brezesinski, T.
Tailoring the disorder landscape to increase conductivity in thiophosphate electrolytes
2024. Matter, 7 (3), 742–744. doi:10.1016/j.matt.2024.01.027 -
Schütz, H. M.; Nejrotti, S.; Adenusi, H.; Mariani, A.; Bodo, E.; Bonomo, M.; Innocenti, A.; Barolo, C.; Gao, X.; Passerini, S.
Superionicity by design: high proton conductivity in a fluorine-free protic ionic liquid
2024. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (29), 18412–18422. doi:10.1039/d4ta02880e -
Ren, F.; Wu, Y.; Zuo, W.; Zhao, W.; Pan, S.; Lin, H.; Yu, H.; Lin, J.; Lin, M.; Yao, X.; Brezesinski, T.; Gong, Z.; Yang, Y.
Visualizing the SEI formation between lithium metal and solid-state electrolyte
2024. Energy & Environmental Science, 17 (8), 2743–2752. doi:10.1039/d3ee03536k -
Apostolopoulou, M.; Vernardou, D.; Passerini, S.
Optimization Strategies of Hybrid Lithium Titanate Oxide/Carbon Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
2024. Nanomaterials, 14 (22), Art.-Nr.: 1799. doi:10.3390/nano14221799 -
Nascimento Nunes, B.; Ibrahim, M.; Zhang, R.; Zhao, W.; Zhang, Z.; Kondrakov, A.; Brezesinski, T.
Polyoxovanadates as Effective Coating Materials for Layered Ni‐Rich Oxide Cathodes in Liquid‐ and Solid‐State Batteries
2024. Batteries & Supercaps, e202400601. doi:10.1002/batt.202400601 -
Yang, J.; Lin, J.; Brezesinski, T.; Strauss, F.
Emerging Superionic Sulfide and Halide Glass–Ceramic Solid Electrolytes: Recent Progress and Future Perspectives
2024. ACS Energy Letters, 9 (12), 5977 – 5990. doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.4c02460 -
Fei, H.; Yang, F.; Yuwono, J. A.; Zarrabeitia, M.; Passerini, S.; Varzi, A.
Minimizing solvated water via synergistic effect of salt anion and cosolvent enables stable Zn metal anodes in low-cost acetate electrolyte
2024. Chemical Engineering Journal, 502, Art.-Nr.: 157842. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2024.157842 -
Barcaro, E.; Marangon, V.; Bresser, D.; Hassoun, J.
Polymeric Lithium Battery using Membrane Electrode Assembly
2024. Batteries & Supercaps, Art.-Nr: 202400542. doi:10.1002/batt.202400542 -
Schick, B. W.; Vanoppen, V.; Uhl, M.; Kruck, M.; Riedel, S.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Berg, E. J.; Hou, X.; Jacob, T.
Influence of Chloride and Electrolyte Stability on Passivation Layer Evolution at the Negative Electrode of Mg Batteries Revealed by operando EQCM‐D
2024. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 63 (52), Art.-Nr.: 202413058. doi:10.1002/anie.202413058 -
Pallasch, S. M.; Bhosale, M.; Smales, G. J.; Schmidt, C.; Riedel, S.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Esser, B.; Dumele, O.
Porous Azatruxene Covalent Organic Frameworks for Anion Insertion in Battery Cells
2024. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146 (25), 17318–17324. doi:10.1021/jacs.4c04044 -
Lee, S.; Jung, Y.; Cho, J.; Kim, D.; Lee, H.; Kim, S.; Jin, H.; Min, H.; Lee, W.-G.; Kim, Y.; Passerini, S.; Kim, Y.
Unravelling the impact of electroconductivity on metal plating position in redox-active electrolytes
2024. Energy Storage Materials, 72, Art.-Nr. 103743. doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2024.103743 -
Adachi, K.; Wilhelm, H.; Schmidt, M. P.; Carpenter, M. A.
Elastic and anelastic behavior associated with magnetic ordering in the skyrmion host Cu₂OSeO₃
2024. Physical Review B, 109 (14), Art.-Nr. 144413. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.109.144413 -
Li, H.; Hua, W.; Missyul, A.; Bergfeldt, T.; Knapp, M.; Ehrenberg, H.; Pan, F.; Indris, S.
Revealing the disrupted Li/vacancy structure in Co, Mg, and Al co-doped ultra-high Ni-rich cathodes
2024. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (42), 28711–28715. doi:10.1039/d4ta03871a -
Enale, H.; Surendran, A.; Thottungal, A.; Sarapulova, A.; Punetha, P.; Thankappakurup, S.; Dixon, D.; Nukala, P.; Nishanthi, S. T.; Knapp, M.; Bhaskar, A.
Cobalt-free spinel–layered structurally integrated Li Mn Ni Fe O cathodes for lithium-ion batteries
2024. Journal of Energy Storage, 100, Art.-Nr.: 113427. doi:10.1016/j.est.2024.113427 -
Malik, Y. T.; Braig, M.; Simon, P.; Zeis, R.; Fleischmann, S.
Analysis of Battery-like and Pseudocapacitive Ion Intercalation Kinetics via Distribution of Relaxation Times
2024. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 171 (11), Art.-Nr.: 110515. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ad8d51 -
Zhang, J.; Li, L.; Yang, M.; Cheng, C.; Tian, N.; Zhang, Y.; Jiao, D.; Lin, H.; Wang, J.
Electron-delocalization catalyzers for high performance, low-temperature Li–S batteries
2024. Chemical Communications, 60 (94), 13891–13894. doi:10.1039/D4CC04372C -
Guan, Q.; Wang, J.; Zhuang, Q.; Zhang, J.; Li, L.; Jia, L.; Zhang, Y.; Hu, H.; Hu, H.; Cheng, S.; Zhang, H.; Li, H.; Liu, M.; Wang, S.; Lin, H.
Self-tandem catalysis of fast Mg 2+ desolvation and sulfur conversions for ultrahigh-performance Mg–S batteries via serially-assembled atomic reactors
2024. Energy & Environmental Science, 17 (11), 3765–3775. doi:10.1039/d3ee04028c -
Xu, C.; Diemant, T.; Liu, X.; Passerini, S.
Locally Concentrated Deep Eutectic Liquids Electrolytes for Low‐Polarization Aluminum Metal Batteries
2024. Advanced Materials, 36 (24), 2400263. doi:10.1002/adma.202400263 -
Botros, M.; Gonzalez-Julian, J.; Scherer, T.; Popescu, R.; Loho, C.; Kilmametov, A.; Clemens, O.; Hahn, H.
Influence of Grain Size on the Electrochemical Performance of Li La‐ Zr Al O Solid Electrolyte
2024. Batteries & Supercaps, 7 (11), e202300370. doi:10.1002/batt.202300370 -
Voss, L.; Gaida, N. A.; Hansen, A.-L.; Etter, M.; Wolff, N.; Duppel, V.; Lotnyk, A.; Bensch, W.; Ebert, H.; Mankovsky, S.; Polesya, S.; Bhat, S.; Farla, R.; Hasegawa, M.; Sasaki, T.; Niwa, K.; Kienle, L.
Synthesis and in-depth structure determination of a novel metastable high-pressure CrTe 3 phase
2024. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 57 (3), 755–769. doi:10.1107/S1600576724002711 -
Shi, X.; Zhou, C.; Yang, F.; Shan, L.; Tang, B.; Zhang, J.; Nan, Q.; Xie, Y.; Li, J.; Li, H.; Tian, X.
Spontaneous Interface Layer Engineering of Ag₂Mn₈O₁₆ Cathode via Anodic Oxidation Strategy toward High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries
2024. ACS Energy Letters, 9 (3), 1063–1072. doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.4c00277 -
Zhou, X.; Xu, C.; Guo, X.; Apostol, P.; Vlad, A.; Janssen, R. A. J.; Er, S.
Computational and Machine Learning‐Assisted Discovery and Experimental Validation of Conjugated Sulfonamide Cathodes for Lithium‐Ion Batteries
2024. Advanced Energy Materials, 2401658. doi:10.1002/aenm.202401658 -
Xu, C.; Diemant, T.; Mariani, A.; Di Pietro, M. E.; Mele, A.; Liu, X.; Passerini, S.
Locally Concentrated Ionic Liquid Electrolytes for Wide‐Temperature‐Range Aluminum‐Sulfur Batteries
2024. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 63 (10), e202318204. doi:10.1002/anie.202318204 -
Zheng, J.; Wu, Y.; Guan, C.; Wang, D.; Lai, Y.; Li, J.; Yang, F.; Li, S.; Zhang, Z.
Lignin‐derived hard carbon anode with a robust solid electrolyte interphase for boosted sodium storage performance
2024. Carbon Energy, 6 (9), Art.-Nr.: e538. doi:10.1002/cey2.538 -
Hertle, J.; Walther, F.; Lombardo, T.; Kern, C.; Pavlovic, B.; Mogwitz, B.; Wu, X.; Schneider, H.; Rohnke, M.; Janek, J.
Benchmarking of Coatings for Cathode Active Materials in Solid-State Batteries Using Surface Analysis and Reference Electrodes
2024. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (7), 9400–9413. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c15723 -
Dong, X.; Bresser, D.
Comprehension-driven design of advanced multi-block single-ion conducting polymer electrolytes for high-performance lithium-metal batteries
2024. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 94, 357–359. doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2024.02.018 -
Liu, X.; Choi, J.; Xu, Z.; Grey, C. P.; Fleischmann, S.; Forse, A. C.
Raman Spectroscopy Measurements Support Disorder-Driven Capacitance in Nanoporous Carbons
2024. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146 (45), 30748–30752. doi:10.1021/jacs.4c10214 -
Ma, Y.; Zhang, R.; Ma, Y.; Diemant, T.; Tang, Y.; Payandeh, S.; Goonetilleke, D.; Kitsche, D.; Liu, X.; Lin, J.; Kondrakov, A.; Brezesinski, T.
Interface and Electrode Microstructure Engineering for Optimizing Performance of the LiNiO Cathode in All-Solid-State Batteries
2024. Chemistry of Materials, 36 (5), 2588–2598. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c00301 -
Riedel, S.; Wang, L.; Fichtner, M.; Zhao-Karger, Z.
Recent Advances in Electrolytes for Magnesium Batteries: Bridging the gap between Chemistry and Electrochemistry
2024. Chemistry – A European Journal, 30 (61), Art.-Nr.: 202402754. doi:10.1002/chem.202402754 -
He, Y.; Dreyer, S. L.; Ting, Y.-Y.; Ma, Y.; Hu, Y.; Goonetilleke, D.; Tang, Y.; Diemant, T.; Zhou, B.; Kowalski, P. M.; Fichtner, M.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Brezesinski, T.; Breitung, B.; Ma, Y.
Entropy‐Mediated Stable Structural Evolution of Prussian White Cathodes for Long‐Life Na‐Ion Batteries
2024. Angewandte Chemie, 136 (7), e202315371. doi:10.1002/ange.202315371 -
Lin, L.; Ding, Z.; Karkera, G.; Diemant, T.; Chen, D.-H.; Fichtner, M.; Hahn, H.; Aghassi-Hagmann, J.; Breitung, B.; Schweidler, S.
Layered high-entropy sulfides: boosting electrocatalytic performance for hydrogen evolution reaction by cocktail effects
2024. Materials Futures, 3 (4), Article no: 045102. doi:10.1088/2752-5724/ad8a78 -
Karger, L.; Murugan, S.; Wang, L.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Kondrakov, A.; Strauss, F.; Brezesinski, T.
Garnet-Type Zinc Hexacyanoferrates as Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium Solid Electrolytes
2024. Batteries, 10 (10), Art.-Nr.: 365. doi:10.3390/batteries10100365 -
Ma, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Brezesinski, T.; Ma, Y.; Wu, Y.
Stabilizing Layered Cathodes by High-Entropy Doping
2024. Research, 7, Art.-Nr.: 0503. doi:10.34133/research.0503 -
van den Bergh, W.; Yao, R.; Zhang, R.; Kondrakov, A.; Janek, J.; Brezesinski, T.
Effect of salt selection and molar ratio in molten salt synthesis of single-crystalline LiNiO₂
2024. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (15), 8683–8688. doi:10.1039/d3ta07840j -
Wu, S.; Guo, H.; Zhao, C.
Challenges and Opportunities for Proton Batteries: From Electrodes, Electrolytes to Full‐Cell Applications
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, 34 (40), Art.-Nr. 2405401. doi:10.1002/adfm.202405401 -
Fu, Q.; Schwarz, B.; Sarapulova, A.; Luo, X.; Hansen, J.; Meng, Z.; Baran, V.; Missyul, A.; Welter, E.; Hua, W.; Knapp, M.; Ehrenberg, H.; Dsoke, S.
Na + Preintercalated Bilayered V 2 O 5 Cathode Materials for Na-Ion Batteries
2024. Chemistry of Materials, 36 (20), 10176–10185. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c01739 -
Titirici, M.; Johansson, P.; Crespo Ribadeneyra, M.; Au, H.; Innocenti, A.; Passerini, S.; Petavratzi, E.; Lusty, P.; Tidblad, A. A.; Naylor, A. J.; Younesi, R.; Chart, Y. A.; Aspinall, J.; Pasta, M.; Orive, J.; Babulal, L. M.; Reynaud, M.; Latham, K. G.; Hosaka, T.; Komaba, S.; Bitenc, J.; Ponrouch, A.; Zhang, H.; Armand, M.; Kerr, R.; Howlett, P. C.; Forsyth, M.; Brown, J.; Grimaud, A.; Vilkman, M.; Dermenci, K. B.; Mousavihashemi, S.; Berecibar, M.; Marshall, J. E.; McElroy, C. R.; Kendrick, E.; Safdar, T.; Huang, C.; Zanotto, F. M.; Troncoso, J. F.; Dominguez, D. Z.; Alabdali, M.; Vijay, U.; Franco, A. A.; Pazhaniswamy, S.; Grant, P. S.; López Guzman, S.; Fehse, M.; Galceran, M.; Antuñano, N.
2024 roadmap for sustainable batteries
2024. Journal of Physics: Energy, 6 (4), Art.-Nr.: 041502. doi:10.1088/2515-7655/ad6bc0 -
Chintha, S.; Atif, S.; Chaupatnaik, A.; Golubnichiy, A.; Abakumov, A. M.; Barpanda, P.
Na Bi TiO perovskite anode for lithium-ion batteries
2024. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 8 (21), 5058–5064. doi:10.1039/d4se00935e -
Drechsler, F.; Himcinschi, C.; Preuß, O.; Fang, X.; Kortus, J.
Dislocation‐induced local symmetry reduction in single‐crystal KNbO₃ observed by Raman spectroscopy
2024. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Art.-Nr. e20221. doi:10.1111/jace.20221 -
Atif, S.; Padhy, A.; Jha, P. K.; Sachdeva, D.; Barpanda, P.
Bifunctional Strontium Cobalt Molybdenum Oxide (Sr CoMoO ) Perovskite as an Efficient Catalyst for Electrochemical Water Splitting Reactions in Alkaline Media
2024. ChemCatChem, Art.-Nr.: 202400217. doi:10.1002/cctc.202400217 -
Yin, Z.; Zhang, H.; Wang, Y.; Wu, Y.; Xing, Y.; Wang, X.; Fang, X.; Yu, Y.; Guo, X.
Ultrahigh‐Pressure Structural Modification in BiCuSeO Ceramics: Dense Dislocations and Exceptional Thermoelectric Performance
2024. Advanced Energy Materials. doi:10.1002/aenm.202403174 -
Stockhausen, R.; Gehrlein, L.; Bergfeldt, T.; Hofmann, A.; Müller, F. J.; Maibach, J.; Hofmann, K.; Gordon, R.; Smith, A.
Investigating the Reduction of Fluoroethylene Carbonate and Vinylene Carbonate in Lithium‐Ion Cells with Silicon‐Graphite Anodes
2024. Batteries & Supercaps. doi:10.1002/batt.202400499 -
Zheng, L.; Li, H.; Gao, M.; Huang, K.; Wang, J.; Su, L.; Li, L.; Lin, H.; Gao, X.; Liu, Z.; Zhang, H.
Screening Ammonium‐Based Cationic Additives to Regulate Interfacial Chemistry for Aqueous Ultra‐Stable Zn Metal Anode
2024. Advanced Science, 11 (43), 2407102. doi:10.1002/advs.202407102 -
Karger, L.; Henkel, P.; Murugan, S.; Zhang, R.; Kondrakov, A.; Brezesinski, T.
From Li NiO to high-performance LiNiO cathodes for application in Li-ion and all-solid-state batteries
2024. Chemical Communications, 60 (80), 11355–11358. doi:10.1039/D4CC03873H -
Puls, S.; Nazmutdinova, E.; Kalyk, F.; Woolley, H. M.; Thomsen, J. F.; Cheng, Z.; Fauchier-Magnan, A.; Gautam, A.; Gockeln, M.; Ham, S.-Y.; Hasan, M. T.; Jeong, M.-G.; Hiraoka, D.; Kim, J. S.; Kutsch, T.; Lelotte, B.; Minnmann, P.; Miß, V.; Motohashi, K.; Nelson, D. L.; Ooms, F.; Piccolo, F.; Plank, C.; Rosner, M.; Sandoval, S. E.; Schlautmann, E.; Schuster, R.; Spencer-Jolly, D.; Sun, Y.; Vishnugopi, B. S.; Zhang, R.; Zheng, H.; Adelhelm, P.; Brezesinski, T.; Bruce, P. G.; Danzer, M.; El Kazzi, M.; Gasteiger, H.; Hatzell, K. B.; Hayashi, A.; Hippauf, F.; Janek, J.; Jung, Y. S.; McDowell, M. T.; Meng, Y. S.; Mukherjee, P. P.; Ohno, S.; Roling, B.; Sakuda, A.; Schwenzel, J.; Sun, X.; Villevieille, C.; Wagemaker, M.; Zeier, W. G.; Vargas-Barbosa, N. M.
Benchmarking the reproducibility of all-solid-state battery cell performance
2024. Nature Energy. doi:10.1038/s41560-024-01634-3 -
Dobesh, D. K.; Gadelmawla, A.; Miyazaki, H.; Hinterstein, M.; Kimura, K.; Maier, J. G.; Banerjee, S.; Zeair, O.; Mehta, S. C.; Silva, L. L. da; Khansur, N. H.; Hayashi, K.; Ligny, D. de; Webber, K. G.; Cicconi, M. R.
The role of Ca/Zr ratio on the local structure and phase transitions in lead-free (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O
2024. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44 (10), 5646–5658. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2024.03.003 -
Wan, M.; Gilles, R.; Vacik, J.; Liu, H.; Wu, N.-L.; Passerini, S.; Bresser, D.
Metal‐Free Polymer‐Based Current Collector for High Energy Density Lithium‐Metal Batteries
2024. Small, 20 (48), Art.-Nr.: 2404437. doi:10.1002/smll.202404437 -
Liu, X.; Dong, X.; Passerini, S.
Operando pH measurements revealing the promoted Zn intercalation kinetics of pre-intercalated V O cathode in aqueous zinc metal batteries
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Atif, S.; Chaupatnaik, A.; Rao, A.; Padhy, A.; Chintha, S.; Nukala, P.; Fichtner, M.; Barpanda, P.
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Wang, J.; Liu, H.; Zhang, J.; Xiao, Q.; Wang, C.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.; Kang, Q.; Jia, L.; Wang, D.; Li, Q.; Duan, W.; Adenusi, H.; Passerini, S.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, H.
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Sánchez-Loredo, M. G.; Chekhonin, P.; Ebert, D.; Fischer, U.; Liu, X.; Möckel, R.; Labrada-Delgado, G. J.; Passerini, S.; Kelly, N.
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Siebert, A.; Dou, X.; Garcia-Diez, R.; Buchholz, D.; Félix, R.; Handick, E.; Wilks, R. G.; Passerini, S.; Bär, M.
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Karger, L.; Korneychuk, S.; Bergh, W. Van den; Dreyer, S. L.; Zhang, R.; Kondrakov, A.; Janek, J.; Brezesinski, T.
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Romero-Garcia, I.; Sotomayor, M. E.; Levenfeld, B.; Varez, A.; Varzi, A.; Kim, G.-T.; Passerini, S.
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Jia, L.; Hu, H.; Cheng, X.; Dong, H.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H.; Zhao, X.; Li, C.; Zhang, J.; Lin, H.; Wang, J.
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Trivedi, S.; Pamidi, V.; Pinto Bautista, S.; Shamsudin, F. N. A.; Weil, M.; Barpanda, P.; Bresser, D.; Fichtner, M.
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Wu, F.; Li, H.; Diemant, T.; Mullaliu, A.; Zhang, H.; Passerini, S.
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Ji, Y.; Koeppe, A.; Altschuh, P.; Rajagopal, D.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, W.; Chen, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zheng, Y.; Nestler, B.
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Innocenti, A.; Moisés, I. Á.; Lužanin, O.; Bitenc, J.; Gohy, J.-F.; Passerini, S.
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Li, H.; Chen, Z.; Zheng, L.; Wang, J.; Adenusi, H.; Passerini, S.; Zhang, H.
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Journal Articles
Bergh, W. Van den; Karger, L.; Murugan, S.; Janek, J.; Kondrakov, A.; Brezesinski, T.
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2023. ChemElectroChem, 10 (18), Art.-Nr.: e202300431. doi:10.1002/celc.202300431 -
Zhang, Z.; Xu, W.; Wang, J.; Hu, M.; Zhang, D.; Jia, L.; Kang, A.; Xi, Y.; Ye, X.; Cheng, S.; Sun, E.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Z.; Lin, H.; Xiao, Q.
Improving Solar Vapor Generation by Eliminating the Boundary Layer Inhibition Effect of Evaporator Pores
2023. ACS Energy Letters, 8 (5), 2276–2283. doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00183 -
Hasa, I.; Passerini, S.; Edstrom, K.; Stevens, P.; Romanello, A.; Scipioni, R.; Sheridan, E.
Ensuring accurate Key Performance Indicators for Battery applications by implementing consistent Reporting Methodologies
2023. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, 3625–3632. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.559 -
Chen, T.; Liu, J.; Losic, D.; Wang, J.; Zhang, H.
Ionic Liquid Boosting the Electrochemical Stability of a Poly(1,3‐dioxolane) Gel Electrolyte for High‐voltage Solid‐State Lithium Batteries
2023. ChemSusChem, 17 (5), e202301242. doi:10.1002/cssc.202301242 -
Stehle, P.; Rutz, D.; Bazzoun, A. M.; Vrankovic, D.; Anjass, M.
The Optimal Amount of Lithium Difluorophosphate as an Additive for Si‐Dominant Anodes in an Application‐Oriented Setup
2023. ChemSusChem, 17 (3), e202301153. doi:10.1002/cssc.202301153 -
Li, L.; Tu, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, M.; Li, W.; Li, X.; Ye, F.; Guan, Q.; Zhu, F.; Zhang, Y.; Hu, Y.; Yan, C.; Lin, H.; Liu, M.
Electrocatalytic MOF‐Carbon Bridged Network Accelerates Li⁺ ‐Solvents Desolvation for High Li⁺ Diffusion toward Rapid Sulfur Redox Kinetics
2023. Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (13), Article no: 2212499. doi:10.1002/adfm.202212499 -
Ullah, S.; Hashmi, M.; Shi, J.; Kim, I. S.
Fabrication of Electrospun PVA/Zein/Gelatin Based Active Packaging for Quality Maintenance of Different Food Items
2023. Polymers, 15 (11), Art.-Nr.: 2538. doi:10.3390/polym15112538 -
Wu, S.; Li, X.; Guan, Q.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, J.; Shen, C.; Lin, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhan, L.
Ultra-fine Co nanoparticles in-situ anchored on porous conductive nanosheets as efficient electrocatalysts for promoting sulfur redox reaction kinetics
2023. Materials Letters, 337, Art.-Nr.: 133938. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2023.133938 -
Shirazi Moghadam, Y.; Hu, Y.; El Kharbachi, A.; Belin, S.; Diemant, T.; Chen, J.; House, R. A.; Bruce, P. G.; Fichtner, M.
Unravelling the Chemical and Structural Evolution of Mn and Ti in Disordered Rocksalt Oxyfluoride Cathode Materials Using Operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
2023. Chemistry of Materials, 35 (21), 8922–8935. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01446 -
Wang, Y.; Zhao, X.; Jin, J.; Shen, Q.; Hu, Y.; Song, X.; Li, H.; Qu, X.; Jiao, L.; Liu, Y.
Boosting the Reversibility and Kinetics of Anionic Redox Chemistry in Sodium-Ion Oxide Cathodes via Reductive Coupling Mechanism
2023. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145 (41), 22708–22719. doi:10.1021/jacs.3c08070 -
Wu, F.; Chen, Z.; Fang, S.; Zuo, W.; Kim, G.-T.; Passerini, S.
The role of ionic liquids in resolving the interfacial chemistry for (quasi-) solid-state batteries
2023. Energy Storage Materials, 63, Art.-Nr.: 103062. doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2023.103062 -
Wu, S.; Li, X.; Zhang, Y.; Guan, Q.; Wang, J.; Shen, C.; Lin, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, Y.; Zhan, L.; Ling, L.
Interface engineering of MXene-based heterostructures for lithium-sulfur batteries
2023. Nano Research, 16 (7), 9158–9178. doi:10.1007/s12274-023-5532-2 -
Yang, F.; Long, J.; Yuwono, J. A.; Fei, H.; Fan, Y.; Li, P.; Zou, J.; Hao, J.; Liu, S.; Liang, G.; Lyu, Y.; Zheng, X.; Zhao, S.; Davey, K.; Guo, Z.
Single atom catalysts for triiodide adsorption and fast conversion to boost the performance of aqueous zinc–iodine batteries
2023. Energy & Environmental Science, 16 (10), 4630–4640. doi:10.1039/d3ee01453c -
Deng, B.; He, R.; Zhang, J.; You, C.; Xi, Y.; Xiao, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, H.; Liu, M.; Ye, F.; Lin, H.; Wang, J.
Interfacial Modulation of a Self-Sacrificial Synthesized SnO₂@Sn Core–Shell Heterostructure Anode toward High-Capacity Reversible Li⁺ Storage
2023. Inorganic Chemistry, 62 (38), 15736–15746. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c02631 -
Ullah, S.; Ali, H. G.; Hashmi, M.; Haider, M. K.; Ishaq, T.; Tamada, Y.; Park, S.; Kim, I. S.
Electrospun composite nanofibers of deoxyribonucleic acid and polylactic acid for skincare applications
2023. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 111 (11), 1798–1807. doi:10.1002/jbm.a.37592 -
Chen, P.; Wang, T.; He, D.; Shi, T.; Chen, M.; Fang, K.; Lin, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, C.; Pang, H.
Delocalized Isoelectronic Heterostructured FeCoOₓS y Catalysts with Tunable Electron Density for Accelerated Sulfur Redox Kinetics in Li‐S batteries
2023. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62 (47), e202311693. doi:10.1002/anie.202311693 -
Zhang, J.; He, R.; Jia, L.; You, C.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.; Tian, N.; Lin, H.; Wang, J.
Strategies for Realizing Rechargeable High Volumetric Energy Density Conversion‐Based Aluminum–Sulfur Batteries
2023. Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (48), Art.-Nr.: 2305674. doi:10.1002/adfm.202305674 -
Ali, H. G.; Khan, K.; Hanif, M. B.; Khan, M. Z.; Hussain, I.; Javed, M. S.; AL-bonsrulah, H. A. Z.; Mosiałek, M.; Fichtner, M.; Motola, M.
Advancements in two-dimensional materials as anodes for lithium-ion batteries: Exploring composition-structure-property relationships emerging trends, and future perspective
2023. Journal of Energy Storage, 73 (Part B), Art.-Nr.: 108980. doi:10.1016/j.est.2023.108980 -
Huang, X.; Kang, Q.; Zhuang, Z.; Li, Y.; Zuo, Y.; Wang, J.; Liu, Y.; Shi, C.; Chen, J.; Li, H.; Jiang, P.
Manipulating dielectric property of polymer coatings toward high-retention-rate lithium metal full batteries under harsh critical conditions
2023. Nano Research, 16 (7), 9240–9249. doi:10.1007/s12274-023-5478-4 -
Ye, F.; Liu, M.; Wang, Y.; Tu, H.; Sun, A.; Wang, L.; Zhu, F.; Xue, P.; Wang, J.
Dual Li+ transport enabled by BN-assisted solid-polymer-electrolyte for high-performance lithium batteries
2023. Chemical Engineering Journal, 475, 146414. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2023.146414 -
Alcántara, R.; Lavela, P.; Edström, K.; Fichtner, M.; Le, T. K.; Floraki, C.; Aivaliotis, D.; Vernardou, D.
Metal-Ion Intercalation Mechanisms in Vanadium Pentoxide and Its New Perspectives
2023. Nanomaterials, 13 (24), Art.-Nr.: 3149. doi:10.3390/nano13243149 -
Haberzettl, P.; Filipovic, N.; Vrankovic, D.; Willenbacher, N.
Processing of Aqueous Graphite–Silicon Oxide Slurries and Its Impact on Rheology, Coating Behavior, Microstructure, and Cell Performance
2023. Batteries, 9 (12), Art.-Nr.: 581. doi:10.3390/batteries9120581 -
Xu, C.; Zarrabeitia, M.; Li, Y.; Biskupek, J.; Kaiser, U.; Liu, X.; Passerini, S.
Three-Dimensional Nitrogen-Doped Carbonaceous Networks Anchored with Cobalt as Separator Modification Layers for Low-Polarization and Long-Lifespan Aluminum–Sulfur Batteries
2023. ACS Nano, 17 (24), 25234–25242. doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c08476 -
Kim, G.-T.; Antonelli, C.; Iojoiu, C.; Löffler, M.; Bresser, D.; Molméret, Y.; Sanchez, J.-Y.; Passerini, S.
Nanocrystalline cellulose reinforced poly(ethylene oxide) electrolytes for lithium-metal batteries with excellent cycling stability
2023. Frontiers in Energy Research, 11, Art.-Nr.: 1325612. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2023.1325612 -
Zhang, X.; Li, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, X.; Guan, Q.; Wang, J.; Zhuang, Z.; Zhuang, Q.; Cheng, X.; Liu, H.; Zhang, J.; Shen, C.; Lin, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhan, L.; Ling, L.
Accelerated Li⁺ Desolvation for Diffusion Booster Enabling Low‐Temperature Sulfur Redox Kinetics via Electrocatalytic Carbon‐Grazfted‐CoP Porous Nanosheets
2023. Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (36), Art.-Nr.: 2302624. doi:10.1002/adfm.202302624 -
Schepperle, M.; Samkhaniani, N.; Magnini, M.; Woias, P.; Stroh, A.
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2023. ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 146 (3), 1–33. doi:10.1115/1.4064330 -
Zhao, W.; Si, M.; Wang, K.; Brack, E.; Zhang, Z.; Fan, X.; Battaglia, C.
Electrolyte Optimization to Improve the High-Voltage Operation of Single-Crystal LiNi Co Mn O in Lithium-Ion Batteries
2023. Batteries, 9 (11), Art.-Nr.: 528. doi:10.3390/batteries9110528 -
Smok, T.; Shakouri, S.; Abouzari-Lotf, E.; Pammer, F.; Diemant, T.; Jana, S.; Roy, A.; Xiu, Y.; Klyatskaya, S.; Ruben, M.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Fichtner, M.
A π‐Conjugated Porphyrin Complex as Cathode Material Allows Fast and Stable Energy Storage in Calcium Batteries
2023. Batteries & Supercaps, 6 (12), Art.Nr.: e202300308. doi:10.1002/batt.202300308 -
Yusim, Y.; Hunstock, D. F.; Mayer, A.; Bresser, D.; Passerini, S.; Janek, J.; Henss, A.
Investigation of the Stability of the Poly(ethylene oxide) | LiNi Co‐ ‐ Mn O Interface in Solid‐State Batteries
2023. Advanced Materials Interfaces, Art.Nr.: 2300532. doi:10.1002/admi.202300532